Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Oral Blog Entry - Film Review

The loss of the Titanic was one of the worst maritime tragedies of the twentieth century. To understand what happened in that disaster, many books, short stories, and television documentaries have been published to explain what occured on the most luxurious, safest, and largest vessel of that time. The movie, "Titanic" is the latest of many of these which describe this disaster. The director, James Camron, has endeavored to create a romance which is fictional, it serves as a guide that will walk us through one of the most memorable events of the twentieth century. The movie costs well over $200m.

In my review of this film, "Titanic" is a good historical fiction and also a love story. The strength of the movie is the wonderful array of sets and special effects. However, there are some problems which are concerned with characterisation.

Last but not least, the movie "Titanic" is good entertainment especially for those who are interested in this great ship.

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Text Blog Entry Eight- An article about my country in the international newspaper.

The Police claimed that two people died in a fire in a 13 storey building in Dhaka, the capital of Bangladesh on February 27, 2007. 'The Telegraph' published this by its article. The first person died from jumping out of the building and the other from burning. The fires swept through the building very quickly as it had limited fire protection according to a fire chief.

Hundreds of people could not get out of the building. 2000 people usually work in the building, as it housed a number of media companies such as- ntv, Rtv (electronic media), The Amar Desh ( a leading newspaper in Bangladesh) .

Samaia Rahman, an ntv broadcaster, who was trapped inside the building claimed that several people had died for the fire engulfing the building. She added that dozens were injured as the fire spread through the electric lines within minutes. Many injured were being treated in local hospitals.

Text Blog- Summary of a Book "Jude the Obscure"

This book is written by Thomas Hardy in 1896. He was born in 1840, in upper Bockhampton, a village near Dorchester in the south-west of England.

In Summary, young Jude Fawley comes to Mrygreen from Wessex a year ago after his father had died. He lives with his great-aunt who is a baker in Marygreen. He often looks across the fields to the roofs and spires of the city of Christminister. He promises himself that one day he will leave his obscure life in Marygreen and go there. He will study at the university, enter the Church and become a great man. But it is not easy for a poor boy to follow the path Jude has chosen, and life has many surprises for him. First, there is Arabella Donn, the beautiful country girl who is looking for a husband. And then there is Sue Bridehead, whom Jude loves. Jude Fawley and Sue Bridehead have both had unhappy first marriages. Then they fall in love, and on the way their past returns, bringing them hope, then sadness.