Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Oral Blog Portfolio Post Entry - Seven Diploma Lecture 2

Emergencies can happen at any time and in any place, and a delay in treatment a few minutes can mean death when the heart has stopped. When an emergency situation arises we need to know what to do and the appropriate procedures to follow. On may 8, 2007, Dave Griffiths gave us a lecture about how can we provide initial assistance to a suddenly sick or injured person?He called it as 'First Aid'.

There is no doubt that first aid has a significant role on our daily life. I am able to know more deeply about it from the lecture given by him. Dave told us what we should do when a sick or injured person needs our help?He told us some measures that are taken before the ambulance arrives. First- we should stop at affected people because they need our help. Second-we should think of our own safety. Because sometimes we don't know whether there are healthy or not. That's why, it is necessary to have some barriers such as gloves, plastic bags etc. After confirming that we should go to the injured person as soon as possible and try to talk to him softly. Besides, if needed, we should give him breath to continue his heart. Then we should dial 111 to require emmergency help. He also taught us some practical experiences how we can adjust ourselves with this kind of emergency. For example, for children bleeding , we should use red things or red bandage to cover the wound of them. Because they are afraid of blood and scared to death. Moreover, all age groups need 30 pushes to do 'CPR' and 2 breaths when they are not able to breath by themselves.

I learnt after his lecture, first aid is an important part of everyday life both at home and at work. For this reason, I think everybody should learn about first aid and be willing to administer basic care until emergency assistance arrive.

Tuesday, May 8, 2007

Oral Blog Entry Six - Picture Comparison 2

There are two pictures. Both of those show a classroom of a primary school. In picture 1 - the students are studying in groups. They are able to share their views and ideas with each other. In the second picture - the students are learning with their teachers. The students are not allowed to talk with others. They can not share their ideas with each other without getting permission from the teacher.

I think the second picture is more effective than another. The students are not able to understand clearly what they will have to do with their study materials without being helped by the teacher. He/She makes them easier to understand appropriately. In addition students can get more information from the teacher by asking questions about their interest. After gathering information, students can talk to each other more deeply about it and are able to expand their knowledge.

Monday, May 7, 2007

Text Blog Entry Seven - Diploma trip

I went to Titirangi village on April 30, 2007 for a Diploma trip with our classmates. The weather was nice on that day. I enjoyed it very much because as an international student that trip was my first international experience. I got there by a car with my teachers Ron and Mark and three of my classmates Hani, Aman and Carsten. First we went to a Cafe La Vinci and had a cup of coffee with other classmates and refreshed ourselves. the environment of the Cafe was quiet and the lake view was so beautiful that I can not express by one word.

Afterthat, we started for Huia Point which was totally filled-up by natural beautification. We stayed there for an hour and took some photographs. Then we went to Cornwallis bech where I had walk for a while by the beach with Carsten and Aman. We were too tired to walk. Then Ron invited us for having our shared lunch. Actually, there was too much food to had. We could not be able to try every items of food. Afterthat we returned to Unitec which is our Campus. Although some of our classmates stayed there for fishing.

Tuesday, May 1, 2007

Text Based Blog Entry 6

The article on the Dominion Post, April 30, talked about the growing estimated cost of building Transmission Gully. Graham Taylor, Transit wellington regional manager, said now it will cost $984 million to build this project. But the estimated amount was $210 million 10 years ago. Now some people are not satisfied with the progresses of the proposed inland motorway.They think it is not necessary to take long time for doing design and investigation work of this project. They feel the cost of this construction work is growing by $2 million every week due to these kinds of delays. Noel Robinson, Auckland developer and Paraparaumu Airport owner, has accused the government and roading authorities for spending lavishly the taxpayers' money. He added there is no doubt that Transmission Gully will strengthen the wellington region's economic growth. For this reason, the Mayors should work together for the greater interest of the entire region. However, regional land transport committee chairman Terry McDavitt opposed the criticism of delaying the construction work. He made a comment on it-"As you are deleaing with billion dollars, you should go through the proper process and the proper process takes time". In addition, he conceded that New Zealand's major works process was slow.This construction is about to start in three to five years and will be completed within eight years.

I counted 25 active and 6 passive forms in the article.

The passive forms:

1. "the estimated building cost" - present simple passive

2. "is being squandered" - present continuous passive

3. "was a broad figure related to" - past simple passive

4. "could be substantially built" - modal passive

5. "to be bridged" - infinitive with to passive

6. "to be completed" - infinitive with to passive

Oral Blog Entry 5 Domestic News Headline

I heard this story on Morning Report on National Radio on Monday April 30th.

"Every week transmission gully project delays cost an extra $2 million."

Here are three punctuations features which I noticed.

consonent to vowel linking-example 1- cost an

weak forms-example 2 - delays

weak forms- example 3 - extra