Monday, April 30, 2007

Week Seven Text Blog Post Entry Five -My Break

I obtained a lot of time to study in my break. Indeed, I needed some extra time to cover my past lectures. As I commenced the course 2 weeks late, it was difficult for me to cath up with my class appropriately. In addition, I was not able to adjust myself with my classmates due to my limited knowledge relating to this course. For this reason, that study break was very important for me and it really helped me a lot. I managed to make the most use of time in my break. Since the break, I have been able to maintain regularity with my course. Furthermore, April 14, was our 'National New Year's Day'(we call it 'Bengali New Year's Day' or 'Pahela Baisakh'). We all Bangalees who are living in Auckland gathered together on that day at a Hall behind Mount Roskill Community Library and celebrated our 'National Day' lively.

Last but not least, I would like to leave a comment about my break- "it was great".

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Week Six Text Blog Entry Four- a narrative or recount

Here is a link to an article about a woman whose death was confirmed by police yesterday. Malia Hatfull,19, died in Dunedin Hospital yesterday. She was admitted to Dunedin Hospital's intensive care unit after fell out of the extremely large Sequoia wellingtonia tree at Wanka Station Park on Sunday last. Most of the verb forms which explained what happened are in the past simple.There is one example of the present perfect simple(L-3,"has died"). There are two examples of the past passive. The first one is "was confirmed" and the second one is "would be reffered". There is one use of the past perfect simple (L-6 "Had been" ) connects three events in the past.

Tuesday, April 3, 2007

Oral Blog Entry-A Diploma lecture 1 (week 5 Finances & Budgeting)

On March 27, Annette who came from the Unitec Student Funding centre gave us a lecture about how we can manage and arrange our finanaces during our study period.
At first she told us, we have to create a budget to manage money and list income & expenses so that we can adjust our budget. After that she described us how we can increase our income such as student loan, awards, scholarships, grants & job. Then she gave us some tips to reduce our expenses for instance student banking packages, avoid using credit card, student discounts, buy second-hand textbooks etc.
To conclude, i would like to leave a comment on Annette's lecture that I got full useful information about how to manage and arrange my fund in the right way from "her lecture".

Sunday, April 1, 2007

About Me

Hi everyone

My name is Md.Golam Rasul Miah, you can call me Miah. I am originally from Bangladesh which is in South-East Asia. I graduated from Rajshahi University, Bangladesh in Economics. I came to New Zealand on 3rd march to study further. Now I am doing a Diploma in English(advanced) at Unitec. After completing this course successfully, I would like to study Business-marketing at this Institution.

I grew up in a provincial town called Sirajganj, in the North-Western part of Bangladesh. Before I moved to New Zealand I lived in Dhaka, the capital of Bangladesh with my family. My Dad was a businessman and my Mom is a house wife ( you can see my 'Mom', my first love in this world in the photograph of me above). I have seven brothers and three sisters. Among them, I am the ninth according to seniority.

I am interested in art and music (specially "Rabindranath Tagore's song", the Nobel-Laureate for Literature,1913).