Tuesday, April 3, 2007

Oral Blog Entry-A Diploma lecture 1 (week 5 Finances & Budgeting)

On March 27, Annette who came from the Unitec Student Funding centre gave us a lecture about how we can manage and arrange our finanaces during our study period.
At first she told us, we have to create a budget to manage money and list income & expenses so that we can adjust our budget. After that she described us how we can increase our income such as student loan, awards, scholarships, grants & job. Then she gave us some tips to reduce our expenses for instance student banking packages, avoid using credit card, student discounts, buy second-hand textbooks etc.
To conclude, i would like to leave a comment on Annette's lecture that I got full useful information about how to manage and arrange my fund in the right way from "her lecture".

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